How to Check if .EXE File is 32 or 64 Bit

Most people know that Windows comes in two different versions of 32-bit and 64-bit. To get the best out of a 64-bit operating system it's best to use dedicatedc 64-bit software to make use of it. It's not always possible to tell if a program is 32-bit or 64-bit, here are 10 ways to help you find out.

Run Once Registry Key Examples & How to Use

The registry key RunOnce is one of Windows auto startup locations and is used to run the programs when Windows boots the next time only, then the entries will be deleted and not executed again. Mostly used to delete locked files and also by some software to make changes during a reboot.

Copy Locked or In Use Files: 7 Best Tools to Use

If you wish to copy or backup certain files, you will find not everything can be accessed and some files can be locked or in use by another process. These files cannot be copied without finding a way around the issue. Here are 7 ways to get around the restriction allowing you to copy the files with ease.

Create, Edit, Clear or Disable Jump Lists in Windows

One of the best new features to come out of Windows 7 was the ability to have Jump Lists in the Start Menu or on the Taskbar, but the lists can leave a record of your recent activity for each program with a Jump List. Here we have several solutions to edit, create, clear or disable Jump Lists in Windows.