Uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection Without Password
An old friend contacted me today and asked me to help him to remove a virus infection on his desktop. I checked his computer and there is an enterprise version of antivirus called Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) installed but there were no Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager which acts as a server to manage the SEP clients on the network. It is possible that the Symantec Endpoint Protection is installed as an unmanaged client but the virus definition hasn’t been updated for a very long time and I couldn’t manually update the signature from the LiveUpdate program. I may as well uninstall the Symantec Endpoint Protection since it couldn’t update the virus definition to detect the latest virus and replace it with a free antivirus such as Avira, Avast, AVG or Microsoft Security Essentials.
I went to Control Panel and ran the Programs and Features shortcut icon. Found Symantec Endpoint Protection and I clicked on the Remove button. The progress bar ran for a while and a dialog box pop out saying “Please enter the uninstall password“.

I asked my friend and he don’t know the password. The Norton Removal Tool only works on home products but not for enterprise products. It is not possible for me to install any other type of antivirus if i do not remove the Symantec Endpoint Protection client first. Even if I could, it is still not advisable to be running two different antivirus at the same time which can cause conflict and slow down of the system.
After research, I found out how to remove the password so that I can uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection. The first step that you should do is try a few possible password. Some of the most common password being used for Symantec Endpoint Protection are:
- symantec
- admin
- password
- 12345
- norton
If none of the password above worked for you, continue reading and we’ll show you step by step on how to clear the password by simply deleting a registry key. The registry key is protected from modification by Symantec Endpoint Protection. In order to delete the registry key, you will need to stop the Symantec Endpoint Protection service first.
For example, consider using the Iobit Uninstaller. Sometimes, you forget the uninstall password to the Symantec Endpoint when you haven’t used the application in a very long time. You can use the free utility, Iobit Uninstaller, to resolve this problem. This application can remove the software without any technical knowledge on the user’s part. For one, the tool scans, collects, and analyzes folders and files related to the Symantec software and allows the user to clear all associated files from one dashboard.

Additionally, the software provides other features that allow users to get rid of stubborn files, including bloatware and bundleware. To use the application, simply drag and drop the Symandex program into the Ibit interface and click uninstall.
Other methods include the following breakdown:
1. Click the Start button, type cmd in the Search programs and files bar, hold Ctrl+Shift and press Enter. Click the Yes button on the User Account Control window.
2. Type start smc -stop in the command prompt and press Enter.
3. Download this registry file and run it (SmcInstData.reg) on your computer to remove the password. You can now proceed to uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection. Alternatively, you can also manually delete the registry key by following the instructions below if you do not want to use the registry file that we’ve created for your convenience.
3a. Again click the Start button, this time type regedit and press Enter.
3b. Navigate to the following path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\SMC
3c. Look for “SmcInstData” at the right pane, right click on it and select Delete. Click Yes to confirm the registry key deletion.

You can now uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection without being prompted to enter a password. If for some reason you’re unable to successfully stop the Symantec Endpoint Protection service from step 2, please follow the instructions below for an alternative method in stopping the service.
1. Download this registry file (SepMasterService.reg) to your computer.
2. Boot the computer into Safe Mode.
3. Run the SepMasterService.reg file that you’ve downloaded from step 1 by double clicking on it.
4. Restart your computer and uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection from Control Panel. You will not be prompted to enter a password.
Basically the SepMasterService.reg file changes the startup type of the SepMasterService service from Automatic to Manual. If you are familiar with modifying the Windows registry, you can manually do it yourself by changing the Start registry key value data from 2 to 3 at the path below:

Once you’ve successfully removed Symantec Endpoint Protection, here are some of our recommendations to the best antivirus to keep your computer safe from malware.
I did everything using HirenBoot to delete and change registry from this tool (using Registry Editor PE ) , then I started windows using Administrator login. And then I was able to uninstall SEP.
I took this way since editing and deleting from Windows directly did not work for me
It worked for me:
FIRST ACTION: Disable Symantec to load when system starts as described in this part of this post:
You can now uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection without being prompted to enter a password. If for some reason you’re unable to successfully stop the Symantec Endpoint Protection service from step 2, please follow the instructions below for an alternative method in stopping the service.
1. Download this registry file (SepMasterService.reg) to your computer.
2. Boot the computer into Safe Mode.
3. Run the SepMasterService.reg file that you’ve downloaded from step 1 by double clicking on it.
4. Restart your computer and uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection from Control Panel. You will not be prompted to enter a password.
Basically the SepMasterService.reg file changes the startup type of the SepMasterService service from Automatic to Manual. If you are familiar with modifying the Windows registry, you can manually do it yourself by changing the Start registry key value data from 2 to 3 at the path below:
Read More: https://www.raymond.cc/blog/password-to-uninstall-symantec-antivirus-client/
***Restart Windows after this ***
SECOND ACTION: Remove password as is described in this part of the post:
If none of the password above worked for you, continue reading and we’ll show you step by step on how to clear the password by simply deleting a registry key. The registry key is protected from modification by Symantec Endpoint Protection. In order to delete the registry key, you will need to stop the Symantec Endpoint Protection service first.
1. Click the Start button, type cmd in the Search programs and files bar, hold Ctrl+Shift and press Enter. Click the Yes button on the User Account Control window.
2. Type start smc -stop in the command prompt and press Enter.
3. Download this registry file and run it (SmcInstData.reg) on your computer to remove the password. You can now proceed to uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection. Alternatively, you can also manually delete the registry key by following the instructions below if you do not want to use the registry file that we’ve created for your convenience.
3a. Again click the Start button, this time type regedit and press Enter.
3b. Navigate to the following path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\SMC
3c. Look for “SmcInstData” at the right pane, right click on it and select Delete. Click Yes to confirm the registry key deletion.
Read More: https://www.raymond.cc/blog/password-to-uninstall-symantec-antivirus-client/
THIRD ACTION: Remove from control panel as usually SYMANTEC
I assume that worked because in step 1 it prevents Symantec to be loaded.
Step 2 allow to delete the key that keeps SYMANTEC ask password, when loaded (but it is disables load in step 1)
and every time SYMANTEC loads, it writes this key even it was deleted.
Then at third step, there is no SYAMANTEC loaded and registry that ask password deleted, then you can remove SYMANTEC from control panel.
Best regards.
I needed to modify my symantec install. I tried following all the steps above and in the comments, but they didn’t work so I used a different method…
regedit > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\ delete and rename as much keys as you can. I was able to delete all but one folder
then control panel > remove symantec ep will not ask for a password
Very useful and nice article , If you want to Unstall Symentec endpoint from my PC , and want to install one indee dusa EXE file which cause a lot of by this symentec antivirus and still i am helpless by following this procedure also
Thank yo so much. I was finally able to uninstall. God bless you
god bless you ! this is one of my impossible missions
i tried to delete it but it says “unable to delete all specified values”
this got it solved
Yes, this is much more simple:
Below are the Step which can help to Remove the SMC Password without applying policy from Server
Double click on Symantec Client shield from Taskbar.
From TROUBLESHOOT Tab Export the Policy from Policy Profile
Save it with name of Policy.xml in your Local System
Edit the Policy.xml in Notepad
Find the below Content and make the appropriate changes mention below.
AdminPassword ExitNeedPassword, UINeedPassword, ImportExportNeedPassword, UninstallNeedPassword
Set the Value as “0”
(I.E AdminPassword ExitNeedPassword=”0″ UINeedPassword=”0″ ImportExportNeedPassword=”0″ UninstallNeedPassword=”0″)
Than save the file in XML format and import the same:
Import Step
From TROUBLESHOOT Tab Import the Policy from Policy Profile
Add the same file.
Then Enter the Smc -stop Command.
Service will be stop without password.
Try suggestion of Users > TryThisOne & Loco – thumbs up! thanks for the genuine help*it did work!!!
I have successfully stopped SEP 14 service by following methods.
1. Restart your machine in safe mode (Use can use “msconfig” command)
2. Press windows R, type “regedit” and hit enter
3. Navigate to SEP registry and change “SepMasterService” registry and “SNAC” registry values to 4
4. Click “OK”
5. Restart your machine in safe mode.
6. Your SEP will be disabled!!!!!!!!!!
Does it affects the client pc by enabling the pendrive mode after that how block the pendrive mode
Hello all!
I have the same issue, I tried all the above options without success..
Apparently Windows 10 blocked or disabled or whatever (I really don’t understand much about software and computers in general) the Symantec Endpoint Protection and now I can’t get rid of it!!
Please, does anyone have any idea what I can do?
Hi Team,
When I run “SepMasterService.reg” it says cannot import error.
So here’s what happened to me. I tried all the steps above and none worked.
So I did these to me it work;
1. Do step 2 in SAFE MODE
2. Delete the SmcIncData in SAFE MODE (Because it failed in Normal Mode)
3. Restart
4. Uninstall Symantec from Control Panel
Hi Steve!
I did what you said – deleted the SmcInsData in safe mode, but when I restart the computer the file is still there! and I can’t uninstall…
Do you know why? What can I do?
It works, Thanks.
It doesn’t work for me.
How I did it – modified version from TryThisOne
1. Boot into safe-mode with networking
2. Run this in elevated command prompt: REG ADD “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\MSIServer” /VE /T REG_SZ /F /D “Service”
3. run net start msiserver
4. Open task manager and end process on any ccSvcHst.exe processes. Takes a few times to kill it off.
5. Search registry from hklm\software for SmcInstData and delete it
6. Uninstall SEP.
Thanks TryThisOne as all the other methods here didn’t work for me but your did.
Easiest way is to disable all Symantec Antivirus Corporate edition services, reboot the server/PC, uninstall SAV. That’s all. you won’t see the password prompt.
I didnot have SAV, but had only SEP 12 with password ). Laptop from corporation.
And it is not possible to stop services without password
When i type “start smc -stop” it again asks for a password. This article of yours gave me a ray of hope to get rid of this shitty protection software, but now i need a password to stop it. What else can be done?
try this – it helped me after dozens of tries:
1. Boot into Safe Mode (only),
2. Create the following registry key:
(If you also want it available in Safe Mode w/ Networking, add the “msiserver” key under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\ key found here as well)
3. Edit the “(Default)” value in the new “msiserver” registry key, and enter “Service” in the “Value Data” box. Click OK, and close the registry editor.
4. Reboot back into Safe Mode, and the Windows Installer service should now run and allow you to add or remove programs in Safe Mode.
5. Download Process Explorer and Kill process tree C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\12.1\Bin\ccSvcHst.exe – you should kill it several times – till it disappear.
6. Click the Start button, type cmd in the Search programs and files bar, hold Ctrl+Shift and press Enter. Click the Yes button on the User Account Control window.
7. Type start smc -stop in the command prompt and press Enter
8. Change the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\SMC\smc_exit_test from 1 to 0 prior to stopping the service and delete the SmcInstData key located under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\SMC\
9. Finally, Start the Symantec Endpoint Protection uninstall in usual way
Many thanks
Your SmcInstData.reg registry fix did the trick, after much struggling with Symantec suggestions for manual uninstall…
thank man :)
with “symantec” B)
Thanks, it works but i’ve removed the SmcInstData from this key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\SMC
Great , it works to me also
perfect solution
Thanx Christopher B
I have tried all the above option. When i tried last option i.e. SepMasterService.reg the system prompted me for error of installation log missing.
I will be obliged if you can further guide please.
Thanks Alot! this was the only solution I found to be working perfectly!
I tried all these options – no one helped. Helped only thing – CleanWipe utility from symantec. To download instalation package with this you must to know serial number of your antivirus. I do not know our corporate number so I found some on internet M0237691335.
when i click to change value or delete the smcinstdata file it keeps saying the error “Cannot edit SmcInstData: Error writing the value’s new contents.” what do i do??? please help, i cant even download Norton that i have because it keeps saying ive got another norton product installed, then the uninstall password stops from uninstallation.
If you open Symantec UI there is an option to allow making changes to symantec reg files. I had the same error and after i disabled the option i could change the binary key value of SmcIsntData
Thanks alot ! The default was Symantec in my case!
Thanks a lot
It works in save mode
worked man,, thanks so much
thank a lot! pw “symantec” works fine! ;)
Ditto thanks, Win 10 doesn’t want symantec, and doing it on a sunday when no IT people around. Tired of Win7 since been using Win 10 since December on my personal notebook.
Thats awesome – THANK YOU!!
Worked. Thanks a lot.
Best Wishes
This worked for me, but I had to do it in Safe Mode. It wouldn’t work in normal mode.
None worked.
the values in registry you asked to change were already to the desired values, still everytime I go to uninstall, pop-up asking for password appeared.
good it works pwd = symantec
The second method worked perfectly well.
This tutorial should rank #1 on search engines, even better than the Symantec support website :)
none of the options did work at the first , but in safe mode second option did work ..
Thanx for the help
Thank you so much!! it works perfect for me!
Thanks buddy, it worked for me!!
the password symantec. it works thanks
so happy I found this page, thank you so much
Thanks, password was symantec.
omg. thank you so much. i have been looking for an answer for over a week now. thank you so much.
Thanks man!
Had the exact same situation here!
Your password worked fine :)
Thanks for the help!
Oh, God, thanks a lot for that. I’ve been trying to get rid of that thing for several hours now. I bought the AVG Threat Labs (avgthreatlabs.com) that apparently can scan webpages before you actually access them , which is great for me, since I am an intense internet user, but because of Symantec I could not install it. It kept blocking me. Now my comp is finally free. Thank youuuuuuu
password is symantec :) enjoy
It was solved for a number of computers, but one computer show “fatal error” and can not uninstall. Let me know that problem.
It worked like a charm!!!! Thank you
U rock man!! It works
Friggin’ awesome. Thanks!
yeahhhhhhhh it worked …….. thnkssss so much ….
Thank you SO MUCH.
You literally saved my ass.
YAY! Thank you soo much.. You saved me from having to ask my company!! YAY!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I finally got that thing off my computer!
It worked!! Thanks for the info. I’ve been looking online for several hours for a solution. I didn’t want to pay for a program to remove a program. You saved me some $$$$. Thank you, thank you!
it works….!
thanks, this helped me!
thanx dev……………symantec is the password.
Thanks a million – spent an absolute age on tech support website & phone – no help there at all. Much appreciated :)
that did work.
It’s work, thanks for your hekp
you deserve applause dear.. thanx a lot
This is very useful, let me time to do it
That was clear and That was a great help. Key is correct.
Thanks a lot again.
very helpful; thanks !
great job, thanx dear
Very good
Worked for me. Thank You
Great Post, work Great
Sammy Lo
thanks a lot. I was facing this problem from long time. ur help allowed me to unistall symantec succesfully.
thanks it worked to my relief….thanks alot
Thanks..it works for me…
Wow tht was simple thanks for the help!
Thanks a bunch dear! Worked liked a charm indeed :)
Hey I just bought a used computer with Symantec on it and I couldn’t get it off but you totally fixed it thanks!
Thank you very much! Worked perfectly (registry key was in the exact location you described).
thanks a million, i waited forever on the hotline… and every tech support person on the phone told me the same thing, “that’s not my department let me give you this number to try”
it worked thanks a lot mate
It was so simple, even a caveman could it. Thanks for the info – saved me big time!!!
Lord Vader
Many Thanks!
Perfectly explained… and WORKS!
Best Regards,
thanks a lot for solving my problem
Thank you,it’s very good!!!
Worked a treat! Topman!
thank u it works
This helped so much! I went to a big university last year, but a year later now and I kept having the problem where I couldn’t install my own anti-virus. I’d looked so many times, but everything I found wanted me to download something, and I thought screw that! Thank you SO much!
Awshum::.. So0 glad I found this!
Thanks a lot brother!
It worked for me as well!
hey it worked for me yaar
tanx a lot
Thank you :) Worked :D
You are the best.
I was able to get rid of this old version, in the most simple way.
Works For me…
Thanks, this really work :)
Worked perfectly. Thank you!
i got an error message but what you told me to do worked fine. thanks!
thanks a lot………..it really worked…….hope u carry on such things in ur life!!!!!!!!
Does work “symantec” :)
Worked liked a cham!!! Thanks
WOW that saved our company a ton of money – we couldn’t do anything with one of our computers and your tip took care of the problem – thank you sooooo much
Thanks so much for your input…i have been trying to get rid of that stupid program for months…you rock…:)
Dude, u saved my days…
Worked like charm. Thank you… =^.^=
I had disabled symantec in MS config. When I changed the reg value the uninstall didn’t work, until I reinabled symantic. Big help. Thanks
Thank you so much for your help – although many have said that! I got Symantec installed on my computer when I was in college – but I haven’t been able to install any other antivirus programs because it was still on my computer even though I’m nowhere near that old campus! It’s great how easy you made everything and how helpful you were! Thank you again!
You are the best !!!!
I was able to get rid of this old version, in the most simple way.
u rock man u just did in on fingers.love u
hey… thnaks buddy :D worked really well … wonder how u pple have such a deep knowledge about registries :) .. TY again!!
hey thanks it worked out for me i was searching for it thank u very much
Thanks worked fine for me today the regedit………
the password I entered was “symantec” and it worked for me.
Really thanks man, now i am able to uninstall it !
Appreciate That!
thanks.. al lot!!! it works.
Thank you soooooo much! You rock!
Worked like a charm!
Thanks alot Buddy
Dude, you totally rock!!! Thanks for the help!
Just to add to the millions of posts, Thank You very much, such a simple fix for a VERY irritating problem.
Take Care
I’m gratefull. again thanks, it’s helpfull perfectly, Best ergards
Thanks for the info!
You are awesome!thanks….
This was the final solution, Thanks!
You are AWESOME! Thanks! :)
Awesome. Thanks.
Thank You! I Have tried so hard trying to find the password so i can delete that mess. It is amazing what you can find on the internet!!!!
Thanks so much, Symantec is now gone :)
You are the God….. ^o^ thanks u so much
Thank you BoSS,, It’s gone.
hey thanks a lot…. i too removed with symantec password only…. thank you.
Yes – worked at second uninstall attempt. Key was:
I also renamed the value VPUninstallPassword.
The second Uninstall from the control succeeded.
thanks man it works ..
Thanks for the info…solution worked for me
Worked great. Thanks!
Superman!!! Thanks
Great info. Thank you very much
Thanks worked perfect
its worksss..thankx
Worked like Wao!!!
By the way Default Password is Symantec for Uninstalling
Amazing, thank you so much
Thanks a lot!
Thans works perfect
Thanks… that was a one click solution for me!
You hooked me up! Thanks!
old post, but helped me out on some old servers.
Thanks a lot:)
Sonofagun…there are still gems of wisdom on the net. Thanks a million!
thanks a lot!!!
Thanks, It works like magic. I am trying it for many days
Fantastic! You don’t want to know how long I’ve neen fighting this thing. I can’t thank you enough!
clever boy
Thank-you for being kind enough to take your time and help us all!
Thank You……All I can say is Awesome
much appreciated, thankyou!
thank’s a loooot
allah yestrek
thank you 10000000 time ! lol
iI mean it !!!!!!
thanks man , works greate :::)
Hey, man! Thanks a million times! I just couldn’t get rid of this shitware because of the password and you saved my day! And the uninstall password – how did you come up with it? It was so simple I feel dumb ass!
The internets need more people like you!
You win at life. Thank you.
Thanks so much!! So ironic when an anti-virus program is more difficult to get rid of than a virus!!
worked great…..thanks
thanks alooooooooooooooooot
Thank you so much, the default password worked
You are a life-saver.
Thanks, and I will remember this tip.
You Rock!
Thank you!
Fantastic, it works wery well, thanks a lot. I had the same big problem, and now with your method it’s alright.
Thanks! Totally helped me out!
MAGIC! Thanks a million!
You rock! Thanks a bunch for making this so much easier and faster!
Worked exactly as written!!!
I’m comment no. 91, but heck, i guess the world can’t thank you enough!! Awesome post – thankyou SO so much. May you live long and well, young skywalker. cheers from India!
wow..this is work!
thanks… :)
thanks a bunch dude…. you made my day…!!
Thanks. this worked perfectly.
Thanks dude that saved me some time and frusration :)
Darwin Australia
Thanks Man!
Thanks from Melbourne, worked nicely for me too.
Thank you!!!!! I have looked for password everywhere,, ^^ thanks yet again!!!
It works great! Thank you very much!
This worked. Go ahead and try this solution. The uninstall afte the registry change does not even ask for a password again. How does someone find these details out – especially the registray keys and values that needs to be changed, is there a tool to help with this ?
Thanks Dude!
I have Avast Pro and now I can finally use it without disabling things!
Thank you for this post!!!!!
Thanks guys/gals!
thanks for this
People helping people. Gotta love the power of the Internet. Thanks!
Thanx aloot
Sweet!! Saved me some grief. Thanks for the answer!
awesome! thanks!!!
Top post dude -> what its all about!
thnx a l0t raymond
Tks a lot dear. This is great
great advice thanks for the help
it worked great
what a default password, lol. glad this was here, else i would have manually uninstalled, ugh.
Thanks for posting this. I knew it would be set in the registry but I had no clue where.
yo man its working!!!!!!!!
Thanks a millions…….it worked
Add me to this list of fans. I never thought that I would overcome this one. Thanks. And thanks to Google for helping me find you.
Thanks, thats exactly what I been looking for.
Raymond You save my day.
Thanks a million of Tons Time.
thanks. from turkiye
Thanks from Brazil. It worked like a glove to me.
Worked fine It’s easy. Thanks
Worked great ! Too easy. Thanks
Worked like a charm, thanks!
Thank you for the easy to follow instructions! You rock!!
thanks a lot ……….
i have relief from symantec……….thanks
Great Info
thanks mate.
You’re a genius. It worked really fine.
thanks your grate
Thanks a lot
To say you rule is an understatement of massive proportions.
Raymond you are my Hero!
Thank you so much from all of us here in Portland, OR.
Jesse messed up, I told him I would tell you about it.
Really i don’t know what to add on the words i read before,really really thanks you, i am the IT manager in a big school and i had about 600 computers,about 100 of them were cloned from each others and were not updated the definitions and i couldn’t remove the antivirus,so i had to format them,but only after i read how to edit the registery for not be prombt for a password anymore , i could uninstall and reinstall again norton corporate v9.1.
Thank you again
I cannot thank you more for this info. I was going LOCA LOCA.
Thank you its working i am very happy,, bcoz i tryd all the method this is easy …..
omg !
thanks .
Thank you! That worked, I really appreciate the tip.
than you so much that worked for me as well
thank u!!!
I had the same problem and found out that (9 out of 10 times) the password is “symantec”.
it worked perfectly, Thanks!
Worked perfectly. Thank you so much.
Thanks mate,
This saved me a lot of frustrations and waisted time.
You help me out as well!! Thanks.
Thanks alot for the help!
Thanks for the help on symantec removal I had to take the regestry route thanks again
thank you very much
u saved my computer!! when i download a new antivirus software i had 32 viruses!!!
Thank you so much.
I have been looking for this.
raymond .cc blog has realy been solved my problem
Thank You,
Thank you,
it functions successfully after using regedit process
OMG. I could kiss you right now. I just searched forEVER to find out how to uninstall symantec without a password and you are the only person on the web that could tell me how to do it without manually uninstalling it! Thank you, Thank you, Thank YOU!!!
you’re a genius thanks so much!
Worked for me too. I also had to use the Find functionjust like Greyhaiweenie
Worked like a charm! The key was not in the specified location on this machine, but the Find function located it for me.