Avira Connect and AVG Zen are two frontend launchers for the antivirus software which advertise and manage the company's products. If you do not want to use Zen or Connect and would prefer to disable or remove it altogether, here we show you how.
Apart from the three major names, there are dozens of third party browsers around with many based on Chromium and the Blink engine. Here we look at alternative Chromium based browsers that have features and functions over and above the standard browser
If your VPN unexpectedly disconnects while running software such as a torrent client, the software will automatically reconnect to your unencrypted connection. Here we list 5 free kill switches to close the connection or application when the VPN disconnects.
If your computer clock is always out of sync when you start your computer it probably means the BIOS battery is dead or dying. To stop issues and errors in Windows the clock needs syncing with an internet time server on boot. Here are some ways to do it.
Blocking advertisements on web pages is becoming increasingly popular and an ad blocker is now one of the most installed browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox. To see how an ad blocker performs while blocking ads and how many resources it uses while doing so, we have decided to put several to the test.