How to use Wake-on-LAN Commands for Turning PC Remotely

Here are more Wake onLAN options…

Wake-on-LAN from the Command Line

Using the command Prompt or PowerShell to send Wake-on-LAN packets to another computer can be quite useful for business, and professional users, in batch scripts, and to make desktop shortcuts.

7. WakeUp

In terms of ease of use, a command line tool won’t come much simpler than this. WakeUp is very simple to use and only requires the MAC address of the remote computer as an argument. The MAC address has to be in the format of colon separators or no separators at all (e.g. aa:bb:11:55:a1 or aabb1155a1).

WakeUp MAC address


The tool or its website does not mention the actual port WakeUp uses, but we found that it was using port 40000.

Download WakeUp

8. Wake On Lan Command Line (WolCmd)

This tool is another entry in our list by Depicus and is a simple command line tool to send the Wake-on-LAN signal. The syntax is quite simple.

WolCmd [MAC address] [IP address] [Subnet mask] [Port]

An example would look like this:

wolcmd 26-63-A4-79-B8-12 9

Wolcmd 1

The MAC address, IP address, and subnet are required but the port will default to 7 if you don’t supply one. A version is also available for Mac OS.

Download Wake On Lan Command Line (WolCmd)

9. Gammadyne WOL

WOL is another relatively easy tool to use and it only requires supplying the MAC address of the target computer although more arguments can be supplied if required.

WOL MAC address [IP address] [port] [/pwd password] [/d subnet]

Gammadyne wol

The IP address, port, and subnet are optional but may be required in some situations. Port 12287 will be used by default if nothing is added to the command. A password option is also available but you will have needed to set things up to accept a password.

Download Gammadyne WOL

Use Wake-on-LAN to Start a Computer From your Smartphone

If you are unable to send the magic packet to your PC from another computer, an alternative option is sending it from another device like a smartphone or tablet. There are loads of apps around and the Android app we’ll look at is free, popular, and does the job quite nicely.

10. Wake On Lan for Android

This app is quite easy to use because if the computer to start up remotely is switched on and available on the local network, you can find it automatically. Just press the add button and select the device from the list. Its IP and MAC addresses will be added so you don’t have to do anything else. If you are connecting from outside the LAN, replace the local IP with the external IP or add a new connection manually.

Wake on lan android app

All you have to do is press one of the devices in the bookmarks list to start the computer remotely. A handy function is the ability to add a widget to your home screen that can send the packet data to a selected device just by pressing the icon. By default the magic packet is sent three times, it can be changed up or down in the app settings.

Download Wake On Lan for Android

Test Wake-on-LAN is Working in Windows

If Wake-on-LAN isn’t working or you just want to test to see if the remote computer is receiving the necessary magic packet data, try using one of the tools below.

Wake-on-LAN Sniffer

Wake-on-LAN Sniffer is a very simple to use and portable tool that will give you various bits of information about magic packet data being sent to the target computer. All you have to do is launch the program on the computer that will receive the Wake-on-LAN signal and it will watch all ports for the incoming data.

Wake on lan sniffer

When valid data is received, details will be displayed for time, source/destination IP, source/destination port, UDP length and checksum, MAC address, and the magic packet data. You may have to manually add an exception for Wake-on-LAN Sniffer through your firewall if nothing is displayed.

Download Wake-on-LAN Sniffer

Wake On Lan Monitor

Wake on Lan Monitor is another tool from Depicus software and it can be used to test if the magic packet is reaching the target computer. Launch the tool on the computer you want to send the WOL signal to, set the required port, and press Start.

Wake on lan monitor

Note that different programs default to different ports when sending the magic packet. For instance, FUSION WakeUp on Lan and WakeMeOnLan default to port 40000 while WakeOnLANx defaults to port 7. The command line tools also default to different ports from each other. If you are not required to set a port in the program, make sure you know what its default is during testing.

Download Wake on LAN Monitor

Make Sure Your Computer is Wake-on-LAN Ready

To enable the Wake-on-LAN feature, it first needs to be enabled in the BIOS. The option is usually quite obvious and should be easy to spot whether you have a more modern UEFI or a traditional BIOS.

Wake on lan uefi bios

In addition to this, you may have to enable another option to get WOL working. It’s called “PCI Devices power on” or “Power On By PCI-E” in the ACPI/APM configuration or power management settings. Some motherboards may have a similar option called “Resume by PCI-E Device/Intel Onboard LAN”. If you are not sure, turn all related options on and work backward when turning them off.

Uefi power on by pcie

You also need to make sure the LAN driver in Windows has the WOL feature enabled. Right click on (My) Computer > Manage > Device Manager > Network adapters. Double click on your Ethernet controller and look in the Advanced tab for “Wake on LAN”, “Wake from shutdown”, “Wake on Magic Packet” or similar.

Network adapter wol

Make sure it’s enabled. Also, go into the Power Management tab and check “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power”, “Allow this device to wake the computer”, and optionally “Only allow magic packets to wake the computer”.

Network adapter allow magic packet

While the system is switched off, make sure power is still getting to the network adapter by checking to see if the light is on near the connector on the motherboard or card. If not there is no power going to it then other settings may need adjusting.

Disabling Windows Fast Start-up

In addition to the BIOS and network adapter settings above, there is another option in Windows 8/10/11 that can stop Wake-on-LAN from working. And this can happen even if Wake on LAN Monitor has confirmed magic packets are being sent and received correctly.

The option is called “Fast start-up” by Windows which is like a modified hibernate. While it can speed up boot times from power down, the computer doesn’t listen for incoming magic packets in this mode. To get Wake-on-LAN to work, the option needs to be disabled.

Disable Fast Start-up From Control Panel

1. Open Control Panel and go to Power Options. On the left side of the window, click the blue “Choose what the power buttons do” link.

2. In the Shutdown settings section, you will see the “Turn on fast start-up (recommended)” option. If this is already unchecked, then it’s not causing a problem with your Wake-on-LAN. Simply uncheck the box and click Save changes.

Disable fast start up

3. The option may be enabled but greyed out if you are not an administrator or have UAC turned on. If you find this is the case, simply click the “Change settings that are currently unavailable” link near the top. You can now turn off fast start-up.

Fast start up option greyed out

Disable Fast Start-up From Command Prompt

This option will completely disable hibernation and therefore hybrid boot on your system and the fast start-up option will disappear from Control Panel’s power options.

Powercfg -h off

Open an administrator Command Prompt and enter the above command. If you tried the Control Panel option first and found the check box was not there, this is probably why. Changing off to on will obviously bring the option back.

Disable Fast Start-up From The Registry

This last method simply unchecks the fast start-up box in Power Options as if you went into Control Panel and unchecked it yourself. The only difference is you don’t need to open Command Prompt or Control Panel to do it. Simply download and double click on the Hiberboot_off.reg file to import the data.

Download Fast Start-up Registry Files

Another .REG file is included in the Zip archive to enable the option again should you wish to do so.

40 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. PC-52 2 years ago
    • SerReginald 2 years ago
  2. wil 4 years ago
    • Paul 3 years ago
      • Logan 2 years ago
  3. Francis 5 years ago
    • Adriana 4 years ago
  4. Apostol Dorel 6 years ago
    • HAL9000 6 years ago
  5. dan 6 years ago
    • HAL9000 6 years ago
      • F4CKAU 6 years ago
        • HAL9000 6 years ago
  6. tehhellhound 7 years ago
  7. itay 7 years ago
  8. Humberto 7 years ago
  9. Sandeep NP 10 years ago
  10. freask 10 years ago
  11. naser 12 years ago
  12. sam 12 years ago
  13. Barry 13 years ago
  14. amala rangnekar 14 years ago
  15. magic bag 14 years ago
  16. ET Jr. 14 years ago
  17. Declan 14 years ago
  18. Eric 14 years ago
  19. Jat 14 years ago
  20. kapil 15 years ago
  21. Prakash 15 years ago
  22. Eunos 15 years ago
  23. Biju 15 years ago
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  25. Rajesh 16 years ago
  26. mono_maister 16 years ago
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