Filehost Downloader to use with Multi-Host Account [2025]
Managing multiple premium file-sharing accounts is a hassle and expense due to constant host changes. Multi-host downloaders let you access files from various hosts with one subscription and work great with tools like JDownloader for seamless, automated downloads.
Filehost downloader & how to use multihost
Over the years, I’ve had premium accounts for several file-sharing websites such as FileSonic, FileServe, Hotfile, and Uploading.
I even had accounts for RapidShare, Megaupload, and FileFactory, but those have long expired. Managing these subscriptions became overwhelming—primarily because uploaders keep switching file hosts.
Why Do Uploaders Switch Hosts?
Uploaders change hosts due to:
- Account bans: Copyright issues or other restrictions often force a ban.
- Service shutdowns: Hosts like Megaupload or FileSonic sometimes close down or restrict downloads to uploaders only.
- Free account limitations: Free accounts have slow and restricted downloads, so users must follow uploaders to new hosts.
The Cost of Multiple Premium Accounts
Keeping up with every host is expensive and time-consuming. As major hosts vanish, numerous smaller ones pop up (by some counts, 150+), forcing you to subscribe repeatedly to stay current.
The Solution: Multi-Host Downloaders
Instead of juggling several subscriptions, consider using a multi-host downloader. These services let you download from various file hosts using one account, bypassing the need for multiple premium subscriptions.
- Access files from multiple hosts
- Save money with one subscription
- Automate downloads using JDownloader
Beyond Premium Link Generators
Note: I’m not referring to premium link generators such as RapidLeech, where files are first downloaded to a server before being passed on to you.
This method wastes both time and bandwidth. Multi-host downloaders have perfected the process by “streaming” premium links—allowing immediate downloads without wait times or restrictions.
Best Multi-Host Downloaders
Here are some multi-host downloaders supported by the JDownloader nightly build. Test them to see which one supports the file hosts you need.
Most cost just a few euros for 30 days—an affordable alternative to multiple premium accounts:
- Simply Debrid (33 hosts)
- Real-Debrid (90 hosts)
- Linksnappy (31 hosts)
- Zevera (36 hosts)
- (18 hosts)
- (16 hosts)
- Alldebrid (120 hosts)
- Streammania (47 hosts)
Potential Drawbacks
Even multi-host downloaders have their issues:
- Inconsistent or slow speeds: Download speed may vary, sometimes due to temporary issues with the premium account a host uses.
- Host availability: A supported file host might be disabled or experience downtime, affecting performance.
Keep in mind that even having an individual premium account doesn’t always guarantee maximum download speeds.
Real-World Performance (Test results)

I’m getting pretty decent download speeds—over 500KBps on a 5Mbps connection.
Trial Periods and Reliability
Multi-host downloaders often offer trial accounts (around 20 days for 2–3 Euros) so you can test the service before committing. However, file hosters frequently change their pages and download methods, meaning some supported hosts may not work reliably over extended periods.
Commitment Advice
Given the unpredictability of file host changes:
- Avoid long-term commitments: I recommend subscribing for no more than 3 months at a time.
- Stick to monthly subscriptions: Personally, I only buy one month at a time to stay flexible.
Multi-host downloaders offer a cost-effective, convenient solution to the ever-changing landscape of file-sharing services.
They help you avoid the expense and hassle of managing multiple premium accounts—while still delivering fast, automated downloads.
Give a trial run a try, pair it with JDownloader, and see how it simplifies your downloading experience.
linkifier is junk. most hosters are down for extended periods and they refuse to answer to any emails or calls for help. I’d avoid them at all costs.
Is there a debrid service with filejoker included?
seems very reliable filehost downloader. you can download from major filehoster including rapidgator, uploaded, 1fichier, turbobit etc..and also able to convert torrent files to direct download. It worth every penny!
Best debrid service ive ever used, going on 4 years as a member. 120+ hosts. Surprised it’s not mentioned more.
are you one of their staff?
best service my foot. its the freaking worst service ever. took days to reply email support and worst, the staff handling email support (I believe there is only one) is very rude, extremely impatient. couldn’t care less about helping with technical problem or account problem. didn’t continue after one month.
I’ve been with them since 2012. Sure, they have problems sometimes, but which of these services don’t?
Overall, still quite happy after all these years…
Does not support Nitroflare and just removed Rapidgator. If a service goes down, the hoster will not give info on when site will be restored. Really bad customer service. Must sign in often, during same session. Several complaints on facebook.
Try this service.
I have used it for years and they are quite reliable and the speed is quite top notch.
Wish I’d never paid a cent to They are the worst. As others have said they ignore all pleas for support when they cut you off soon after you pay. Stays that way for days then they might let you through again for a while. It’s all on their terms as they dangle what you’ve paid for like a cat playing with a mouse.
I download between 2 Terabytes and 4 Terabytes a month of files. The money I stopped spending on other interests, I now spend on USB 3.0 6Tb external hard drives, I buy one every 1-2 months. In order to do so I subscribe to the fastest connection my cable provider can get me in my neighborhood. I have been using multihosters since around 2012, so I have tried quite a few, there are a lot now, I remember when Zevera first came out there were not that many. For the time I did use Zevera (long time ago), if I wrote and complained about missing data, they would check the history and credit me data back, so I it’s worth a try, I don’t know if they are still as willing to fix any mistakes now as they were 3 or 4 years ago though..
Now I use, it is polish, and because I live in the U.S. the only currency I can use is Bitcoin, which is not easy in my state because they have a 7 day wait to buy Bitcoin from Coinbase, and all of the other Bitcoin banks I tried wanted me to purchase more Bitcoin than I needed, (like a $250 minimum), or pass a pretty high credit score which was damaged when I had to get on disability, and missed several credit card payments (which I never carried a balance from month to month all the years I had them before that, it makes me mad I was unaware of Consumer Credit Counseling at the time). They had banks that took U.S. credit cards, but they stopped because of pressure from DMCA attorneys. I also subscribe to RealDebrid and I like RealDEbrid, because I can download torrents to the cloud, if it is a multiple file torrent, I can download each file separately, or just one file. I like because I can download lots of torrents, and store them in the cloud while the seeding is really full of many peers, and then I have the file safely stored until I have time to go download it later, they will sell you 1 TB of storage up front, and you can buy more storage by buying Booster Packs. I probably have 2 or 3 Tb of storage there. I sometimes buy a premium account to ShareOnline or NItroflare, just because I can never find a MultiHoster with all of the Premium Hosts I like that has Nitroflare too, or in fact any that have Nitroflare for that matter, although I just read a post here about one who does, I will have to check it out. RealDebrid and also have Premium host downloading, I think the Premium Host downloading is way too expensive on, which is why I just use it for downloading Torrents and Usenet. Price per Gigabyte, I would have to say that is probably the cheapest host I use, because their sites are almost always up, and I download Gigs and Gigs of daily. It is possible that Gig for Gig, RealDebrid is cheaper than NoPremium, but many of their hosts are down A LOT, although I must say that Uploaded is pretty reliably up. They also are the only one I use that gets Rapidgator right now, which isn’t as popular as it once was, but still vital to getting every file one needs for their file fetching requirements. I was not happy that for almost 3-4 months during 2017, Rapidgator was down on RealDebrid almost every day, or about 23 hours of every day, but then during that same period, I couldn’t find a MultiHost among ANY of the ones I know of, that was getting Rapidgator at the time, I really believe Rapidgator was trying to keep all downloads strictly to people who paid through their pay wall window or pay partners and affiliates, and they didn’t want subscribers sharing their subscriptions with MultiHosts no matter how many GBs of traffic they purchased. As of the past 4 or so months though, I have been getting pretty much as much Rapidgator as I need at RealDebrid, as well as Uploaded, Uptobox, and Filefactory, and there aren’t too many others I run into, oh sometimes Fichier which they have, can’t remember what else, but they have a list on the side of the host downloader page, that says which hosts are down, and often the same ones are there frequently, but I also must say RealDebrid is so inexpensive, it is worth every penny for what I get there, and then some.. And their support responds quickly, NoPremium’s support responds quickly as well, support is very slow to respond, but they get my large very large Torrents that have multiple files in them. torrents are very reasonably priced, they charge double per GB on Usenet, and somewhat to considerably more for FileHosts. The manager Tim at told me that JDownloader works the best with and it’s FileHost features, also torrents and Usenet, downloads, J Downloader will fetch links and enter Captchas he said.
I personally have found J Downloader frustrating to use when I used it in the past. Yes, it has been a few years. I have used Internet Download Manager for years and years now, (I get it for very reasonable price at “warez” sites). Just last year I learned how to use the scheduling queues in IDM. So It’s my own slow working brain and stubbornness that I don”t use JDownloader ;yet, I just found it clunky and difficult to maneuver through, J Downloader and v 2.0 were very unreliable when they first came out, which just turned me off to ever trying them again, but it’s probably my fault. I just love the streamline quickness I have learned to use IDM and the scheduler with it, since I ONLY get links that are ready to go, don’t need Captchas or another MultiHost link, I get those first and then load those into the queue of IDM, and then let it go and download 150 GB to 250 GB at a time. My so-called” fast cable connection, the fastest speeds they offer in my neighborhood, are limited by ancient copper wiring, so with the Docsis 3 technology I can download anywhere between 60 GB to 130 GB per hour, just depending on network conditions, and my line, I have good days and better days. When I was using prepaid Wifi On-Demand during most of 2017, I was only getting around 1.5 GB -3 GB per hour, so imagine the difference in sheer quantity of files I can download now. It was hard on my old desktop PC to work 24 hours a day downloading files back then, I can get several times as many now in just 2 or 3 hours and then don’t have to download anymore the rest of the day. Now my computer can rest when I’m not downloading for 19-22 hours out of the day anymore.
For me, it works best to have more than one MultiHOst provider, since some of them are ridiculously cheap, I can get 3 months of RealDebrid for the cost of 1 month of Uploaded, and if I use my limit of what Premium Providers call “Fair Use,” (multihosts have them too), you can always buy Booster Packs, extra traffic, or similarly worded offering for a somewhat reasonable price, which is usually a specific chunk or size of data like 200GB or 50 GB or several sizes to choose from, and they either last forever, or at RealDebrid they have a shelf life of 6 months at which they expire. At any multihost or Premium host, the extra traffic or boosterpack you purchase are only accessible and valid, if you have a currently working premium account. That means if your premium account expires, your leftover booster pack or traffic is still there, but in order to use it you have to to purchase another premium package, which in and of itself will also entitle you to the base amount of traffic and data that you get with that premium account, before you have to worry about consuming your extra traffic or booster pack data you still have, yet.
And it doesn’t hurt to occasionally buy a Premium Host only account if you have filles that are only available from one host, and no multihost anywhere offers that host. Usually that mean that host has configured their file fetching system so that it can’t work with multi hosts. If I want the said files bad enough, I will pay for the premium account. Many of these kinds of Premium Hosts that are inaccessible to Multihosts provide incentive programs for their file uploaders, to encourage them to be creative, so I just like to think that I am giving back to that particular contributor in some way because they usually have a link from the contributor’s site to the Premium host that gets him points, or discount, or an affiliate money back program, and the more of his/her files you download, they gain extra money in their account with that file host also. At least that is how I understand it. If I am incorrect someone please explain that to me, I am surmising this based on what blog operators have explained to me or all of their supporters what running their file host blog or site is like, and how they need to be compensated for their time and work for making their file content available.
Sorry, I typed quite a bit. I just found this article fascinating. I have never noticed anyone else write about this topic before.
Other than Real-Debrid, which multi-hosters are you finding most effective these days? I currently have Real-Debrid and Premiumize (because I use them also to stream from cached torrrents in Gia/Kodi), but I am thinking about replacing Real-Debrid with an alternate when it expires.
Thanks for your review. I found this to be very informative.
Holy shit dude. That was a freaking novel you wrote.
God damn lol
Was talking about xonera8te
I just tried a new multihosting service called Rapidgator and which are the most important hosters for me works great. I am also pleased that nitroflare also supported, too. Only filejoker is not available yet. They have to include it, too.
I’m so glad you spoke out against Zevera. I bought an download allowance, to be used whenever i needed (not time-limited or monthly) and at first it worked. Pretty quickly, most of their links were either unavailable or never loaded. Worse, the amount I’d paid for shrank down and down without me using it. It seemed like whenever I requested a link (and couldn’t get it to work) they deducted the size of the download anyway. Today for instance, with only about 2MB left i tried to download three different links, that all failed. But the allowance was reduced anyway. I will NEVER give them money again. Shame, it was a good idea while it lasted.
I know it’s an old thread, but I have being using Streammania with the purchase.
I use JDownloader v2 for years (at least 3) and for the past year… I have so many problems with links under host Rapidgator and… they fail at 99.98% and ask for a captcha (if I enter it, I will switch to free download and restart from the beginning the download at low speed). After 1 erreur, all subsequent download now ask for a validation captcha. I was told this is cause by the streammania plugin/multihost bla bla bla… at the end it’s not working for the customer!
After testing AllDebrid demo for 2 days and having similar issues, I point the problem toward JDownloader… but since it’s a free software, not really a good support. I log into the chat, but I can’t stay in front of my PC to get an answer back !!
Beside JDownloader V2, do you have another download manager to suggest? One that have multihost account feature ?
Downloader Guru is indeed a scam as someone mentioned here. If you buy 10GB, you get about 2GB to download and then suddenly all premium links fail and it’s over. Really, not one single link will ever work again. A criminal scam. To be avoided.
Agreed. They take your money, pretend it works for short while, then block your access to the site. Pure theft. It’s actually – and this is saying something – worse than Zevera, who at least pretend to work for much longer.
Over the years, I too have used many different multi-hosters. For a few years I used unrestrict which I thought was great until they just “closed” – no money back, just closed. I then switched to Zevara, about a total waste of time and money. Every link you try has already reached its max limit for the day. I now have used RPNet for going on 3 years and highly recommend it to anyone. They, like all other hosters, change hosting services periodically but generally add more than they subtract. I just renewed again and think it is pretty dang good.
What about RPNet??? It is not listed here! I have been using it for very long time (3 years) and their service is very good! They might be little expensive compared to others but they also give free VPN!
Zevera is probably the worst of the lot .. In addition to horrible customer service , they actually refused to refund the fee saying it was an auto renewal !
I don’t know about any other File Host sites, I only know about Downloader Guru and it is a devious, money making enterprise with bad links and a non-existent customer service. They’re located OUTSIDE the United States so if you’re IN the US and send them money for their service, they’re under no legal obligation to provide such a service or a refund you if you’re unhappy. Their host links fail 80% of the time and after you buy Premium, most of the Premium host links that you saw when you purchased mysteriously disappear. If you complain about anything or ask for a refund within the 48 hour allowed time frame, the guy who runs it just ignores you, but if you have trouble making a payment, he emails you right back with exact instructions. Anyone who posts here saying they are legit and are great are either they guy who runs it himself or a few people who got what they wanted out of it and have the need to tell the majority of us who were scammed that they are legit. They are not.
i think the leader are real debrid and alldebrid .
i have try both for to long and the best is all debrid used to work sometimes however as of janurary 2016 til now, the service has become unstable and more often, none of the filehosters work at all. Also there seems to be very slow downloading speeds lately.
The other concern is their support. They don’t respond at all to any concerns or issues or trouble tickets that you send to them. lol
Whos really running that service?
Also beware of paying them. There have been multiple times where after giving them my payment for subscription extension, they unexpectedly revoked my 1 month premium extension on the first day (before I even downloaded anything) but still kept my money. When contacting them about this, they simply ignored my request and I’m left without premium features. Then as of a week ago when trying to login, it says “account suspended”. No explanation, no email, nothing. Thay have basically stolen my money.
Really shady practices. Clearly a fraudulent site run by scammers.
Buyer beware! Stay AWAY! from them.
I will definately not be using linksnappy anymore and using a better service now.
Avoid Zevera, it is a rip-off!
most of the times the hosted that are supposed to be supported are not working or severely limited, bought a 1 month subscription and the hosts I was mainly interested in have been under maintenance or limited for the whole time
YEs very slow & most services are mostly down. using for more than a year
Try, they don’t have Nitroflare, but they support all the other popular hosts & their prices aren’t too bad. Much better than Zevera, and customer support aren’t douchebags. They also have a Usenet server AND cloud torrenting!
I had a look at but there is no list of supported file hosts anywhere.
I also had to beg for a refund from Zevera – steer clear of them.
I am very pleased with zevera. It has the most filehosts in the market (more than 100 premium filehosts) and the new layout is very easy to use
Zevera is the worst, I have bought some GBs and I was never able to download anything from Zevera. In the otherside Real-Dedrid is very very good except it does not support Nitroflare, but overall it is really good.
I use the multihoster for about 3 months and I am very Satisfied.
It’s the only multihoster service where supports all basic hosters like nitroflare,keep2share,uploaded,rapidgator, and
100+ more other.
It’s quite cheap and stable.
Guru.downloader does’t support Rapidgator anymore, but it’s still advertising that it is in premium hosters list.
I am having the exact Opposite experience. Bought the permium bandwidth 100gb and now when I TRY to download I get a message that says your download will start in 3-4 minutes Which is not permium service as I would like to point out that most downloaders (Orginal sites) for FREE service only make you wait 30-60 seconds… Then the window will close without starting the download so I have to try again with the same results plus my Bandwidth is charged for the download so I downloaded nothing cause it timed out or something but the system docks me for the download…
i have tried contacting customer service 3 times now with no response…
Oh and when I purchased the package at I recived an email with purchase detail and telling me to login at which is not even a downloader is an Icon/vector purchasing site… It took me 3 times as well to get a response from customer service as to why i was directed to use the .com site and was told to use the .guru site Why the hell does the email say login at a site they don’t even own?!?!?!?
I opened an account with zevera and am extremely disappointed. Looks like a bait-n-switch in that they advertise bunch of hosters with which they work, but once you sign up it turns out lot of them are actually not working. Download speed is limited to 150 K or so, if you start two downloads then both are slowed down to same 150K.
I asked for refund 30 minutes after signing up and was told that I can’t have refund, on some sleazy logic that just because I cannot use them for file hoster which is advertised (it was nitroflare and keep2share at the time) as working on their site, that does not “constitute” a reason for being refunded because a bunch of other sites are working. I argued with their tech support for an hour but they wouldn’t budge, as if it was somehow my fault to expect that the services they advertise actually work. To their credit they gave me double the traffic amount (I took a traffic-based plan, not one month subscription) after all the complaints.
Overall, they do work with a lot of hoster sites but their bait-n-switch attitude is just obscene. And I am disappointed with download speed. I think I should have asked for a 1-day trial before paying them.
Not recommended, there are better and more honest services out there.
Same exact problem here. They are liars & I highly recommend avoiding them. They still advertise Nitroflare & it has never worked. They are douchebags. They also would not refund me either, after I tried to check for weeks to see if the host ever was up, and it was never up.
I tried zevera and i am very pleased with the variety of filehosts which supported. All filehosts work great except nitroflare which is temporary offline. I talked with their support and they inform me that will be stable, too. I will wait to see.
ZEVERA is xTremely Bad ! ! ! They ripped me off big time. Be smart Don’t use there service. I might of been able to download 2 or 3 File in a 6 month Period. I found ffdownloader – Generator to be the BEST ONE OF THEM ALL 35 HOSTING SITES – 90 day $27.99. 99.99% U-can download.
I use
Very cheap.
no daily limits.
Works fine!
Try real-debrid. Very cheap. You can purchase 3 months for just less than 20 US $ :) so happy when I tried it before. Though not all file hosters are there, and some have limit per day, i think its enough for those who downloads moderately. One more thing is it can download torrents! Very helpful if your downloading a low-seed torrent! this is very convenient if you can’t wait for ur torrent to finish.
I guess all the positive comments regarding Debrid are becoming negative about now. It appears that Uploaded has denied them service for overtaxing their servers. The reason they are giving for Rapidgator being lost is a long way different from the truth and now Uploaded has taken a similar stance. I find it rather amusing that the people who make these services so popular (us) are the ones who suffer when individual suppliers become the Top Dog and decide the multi hosts should be paying more money. For Debrid to publicly acknowledge they are only getting the exact D/L allowance as a premium member is rather strange. In fact the whole situation is strange. Debrid has also made a public announcement that what it and it’s members are doing is completely legitimate.
I’d love to learn more about how these “behind closed doors” suppliers operate but it seems Debrid thinks it’s OK to go to their irate member’s Facebook pages and make comments about any posts they see there. I was simply looking for a quiet chat about Debrid losing Rapidgator and a similar problem with Downloaded. Perhaps Raymond is free to discuss the ins and outs of such matters. Including the Terms Of Service for these money making machines, their legal standings, and how they can walk away from any legal action by saying “we didn’t know copyrighted material was on my hard drives” and “it’s our member’s fault, charge them, not us.” If it wasn’t for copyrighted laws they wouldn’t be in business. Is anyone else willing to talk?
Thank you for the last tip. Now I feel lucky when I just buy the lowest package they provide. Zevera is making me very annoyed, can you suggest me some bandwidth based multi-hoster ?
Adam is spot on, I left a post offering polite constructive criticism on how
to improve the Alldebris main page in their forum and as it deemed as
criticising their service publicly I was perma banned from the forum for
I’m wondering just how many unhappy customers they’ve had to ban
to keep their forum semi positive.
Making “contructive criticism” Bernard is insulting their obviously superior intellect, anyway you would have been interrupting their money counting
AVOID ALL-DEBRID! They canceled my subscription with no email, nio explanation. They blamed the reseller, and said I had to track them down and fix the problem…this is after a month of a 180 day paid membership.
I’ve used All Debrid for 2 or 3 years now after being disappointed with Real-debrid and can’t complain, it’s been fine. A few friends I know also use it and haven’t had any major issues.
As mentioned in the article, it’s really not a great idea to subscribe to any of these services for more than about 3 months, if you have any problems, it’s minimal losses…
I’m using Real-Debrid for 6 month, and very satisfied with their services. Sometimes host server down because of over quota or temporary block from the host (causing mass download), but with 90 hosts, you have too many choice to download.
I love Torrent leech service on RD too, it’s give me more the I expected from services like this !
all the comments here that said zevera is bad, are very correct.
Hi raymond,
Just my experience:
Used Zevera for 3 months (paid acc’t) and had nothing but trouble with them! At one point when i couldn’t d/l from most of their hosters, I got an email saying that they would offer me a double deal for my trouble! ie. if I bought an extra month, they would give me 2, 3 month’s I’d get 6, etc! You must be joking! If I can’t d/l anything, why would I buy more? Geez!
I signed up on Simply-Debrid, and they have been pretty good for three months now. A couple problems with Extabit and uploaded, but they are usually fixed quickly. I’m generally happy with them. :)
I also have a Real-Debrid account, and it’s generally OK. I had a few problems, but nothing I couldn’t work around. :)
I have had a DigZip acc’t for awhile, and it has been pretty good also. However, I’m not sure if I will renew it as I have heard they are up for sale. OH well. ;)
However, most of what I need I get from Filefactory, RapidGator, MediaFire, LetITbit & Turbobit. So I decided to get premium accounts with them. It’s easy to find discount coupons around, and FileFactory had an Xmas offer of 50% off. FileFactory & MediaFire have the added advantages of a good online storage deal included, and a good affiliate programs. I also use BOX for my online storage.
Hope this helps someone. :)
Cheers Raymond, and thanks for all the great info, and allowing me to lurk all these years! ;) LOL I thought it was time to *come out of the closet*, so to speak! ;) :D
All Debrid sucks. They are offline a lot, and speeds slow down to a crawl at times. You also get temporarily banned regularly if you risk using Internet Download Manager, or download too many files or chunks at the same time. Customer support is extremely rude and unhelpful. Just try requesting help in the forums. You will receive a generic response that does not help at all and then the topic will be locked immediately. Complain about anything and you are met with threats of being banned due to “trolling”. This service is definitely not recommended. Rather go elsewhere.
Been using real-debrid for about a year. For the first several months, there were several hosters that were sure bets, but now that’s been reduced considerably. Netload, though it’s running slower the past few days, is almost invariably certain, while some are more certain with small downloads in the 100mb range or less. A bit hit and miss. Overall, real-debrid has been very much worth it and has good pricing. Not familiar with Mipony, but Internet Download Manager has been one of my best buys ever.
Zevera is no good. Most of their hosters are offline most of the time. For example, right now Turbobit, Bayfiles and 15 other hosters aren’t working. Also, even if the hosters are turned on they don’t work. Avoid Zevera!
DO NOT USE ZEVERA. I’ve had nothing but problems with them. Another one,, seems to be owned by zevera. AVOID. Since they are basically the same, just a different look, they share the same problems. Again, AVOID.
Has anyone tried
They are a decent multihoster.. I used their services and am impressed
just pay for newsgroups if you’re going to pay for anything
Subscribed to fast-debrid. Quite disappointed with their service. They boast to be working with more than 60 host sites, but the fact is that only a few hosts are working. The other problem is their support forums are mostly in French and I can’t find out how to create a post to their forums to let them know of the problem. All in all a lousy experience and a waste of money.
If any of you know of a more reliable service, preferably not French, please let me know. Thanks.
Tried to subscribe to real-debrid and alldebrid but no luck even with several credit cards. Keep getting error message that said my bank refuse payment but I know for sure that my credit cards are valid and current.
Hey Ray, of the multi-host downloaders, which one is the most reliable?
real-debrid is the best and affordable.
My favorite downloader for premium account is Mipony.. Maybe Raymond, you can give a try on it.
It is simple and easy plus it is user friendly for me. Have its own plugin to bypass the captcha for those who does not want to pay for premium.It helps me a lot and it always update their database. Go on and have a try k.
Its nice
Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ray
Personally I have use Zevera, it has it flaws but other than that its pretty decent. I like the give you the option of unlimited traffic(but it expires) and storage(one that never expires until you use all the storage up) account. I got a coupon that doubles you account. Its only good for the storage accounts and the lifetime account(it reduces the price of the lifetime account). XAGINAZ is the code, if it don’t work email or live chat customer support.
I wouldn’t use JDownloader with these services. IDM is much better and always maxes out my 40mb connection.
where can I donwload JDownloader??
you forgot leechdaddy….
By far the least expensive and probably most used.
Hey Raymond Norton says that is a
Malicious Web Site
Please verify if it is safe ..
its say ive had a premium account with them for oveer 4 month alredy
Alldebrid get high score at WOT. I trust WOT more than my antivirus.
it’s good……………..
Some more popular and *cheaper file host streamers: