Even though a CAPTCHA is annoying it is often a necessary evil to try and prevent automated bots from spamming a website. There are still ways to circumvent a CAPTCHA if they annoy you and you want to bypass them. Here are 3 ways in which you can do it.
Web based instant messengers are useful to connect to the network when the applications are being blocked. Here are a list of official web messengers plus third party ones that supports multiple accounts.
If websites like Google, Yahoo or Microsoft are asking for your telephone number to verify that you are a real user, but if you are not comfortable in providing one, here are the top 10 sites that have free public phone numbers to receive SMS online.
Outlook.com automatically signs you in to Skype whenever you login to check your email. There is no way to disable the auto signing in to Skype from Outlook.com but we have found a quick workaround and also a permanent solution to solve the problem.
UsenetStorm is a free web-based Usenet downloader that allows you to easily and quickly download files from Usenet without installing a newsreader client.