Getting your downloads from file hosting sites can be troublesome and time consuming because of unnecessary captchas and the possibility of adware or spyware. To make things easier it it's a good idea to be sure the links are alive first, here we show you some ways to check.
There are many different ways to download files from file hosting or cyberlocker websites like Rapidgator and Uploaded. Here we show you an alternative way which involves creating your own download server where the files can be sent to, then you can download the files when you choose to.
Private BitTorrent trackers can be hard to come by an opening where you can sign up, because most of the time they only allow a certain number of users and registrations to new users are closed. Here we have a selection of 5 ways for you to check for private tracker openings.
Here are 3 methods on how to easily and automatically download all files from a folder that is not protected from directory listing which exposes everything in the folder. This is especially useful when you need to download subfolders recursively.